MARTIN LUTHER (1483-1546) born in Eisleben; school Brethren of Common Life in Eisenach

1501-1505     University of Erfurt, receives Master of Arts
1505     thunderstorm and vow to St. Anne, enters Augustinian cloister at Erfurt
1507     ordained as priest
1512     receives Doctorate in Theology, assumes chair of Biblical Theology at Wittenberg, 
             lectures on Psalms and Paul's Epistle to Romans

1517    Sale of indulgences authorized by Archbishop of Mainz, Albrecht von Brandenburg,
            John Tetzel sells indulgences in Saxony
            95 Theses: against theory & practice of indulgences (text on web page link)

1518     Heidelberg Disputation: public defense of his theses
             Papal order to arrest Luther, who appeals to Elector Frederick of Saxony for protection

1519     Leipzig debate with Dr. John Eck representing Catholics
             Imperial election candidates: Charles Hapsburg, Francis I/France, Elector of Saxony

1520     Three treatises of 1520   fundamental Lutheran position established
            Address to the Christian Princes of the German Nation --  church-state relations
            Babylonian Captivity of the Church—treatise on sacraments as “channels of grace”
            Freedom of the Christian Man--theology of justification by faith, not works

1520     Leo X's papal bull of excommunication:  Exsurge Domine   “Rise up O Lord…”

1521     Diet of Worms:  called by Emperor Charles V to deal with Luther; his excommunication
              is confirmed; becomes a heretic outside the law when he refuses to recant, saying:

            "”Unless I am convinced by the testimony of Scriptures or by clear reason (for I do not 
            trust in Pope or Councils alone, since they have often erred and contradicted them-
            selves, I cannot and will not retract anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go 
            against conscience. I cannot do otherwise. Here I stand.  May God help me." German.

1521-22 seclusion in Wartburg castle under protection of Frederick, Elector of Saxony
             Wittenberg Movement: first splits in evangelical movement during Luther’s absence

1522     German New Testament:  Luther's translation (done while in Wartburg) published

1524     Erasmus' On the Freedom of the Will - break with Luther
1525     Luther's On the Bondage of the Will 

1525    Peasant's revolt in Germany
           The Twelve Articles of the Swabian peasants

            Luther’s responses to peasants:
            Friendly Admonition to Peace (in Hillerbrand)
            Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants (link on web page) 
            Open Letter on the Harsh Book against the Peasants

            Betrothal to Katherine von Bora

1529     Marburg Colloquy:  Sacramentarian Controversy with Zwingli, reformer of Zurich
             Luther’s Small Catechism (1529)   Luther’s Large Catechism  (1530)

1530     Augsburg confession: becomes classic statement of Lutheran orthodoxy

Make a library visit to Suzzallo  (sorry, but no indulgences attached to this visit : )
American edition of Luther's Works,                     German Weimar Ausgabe   (Collected Works)
            edited by J. Pelikan & H. Lehman                        compiled 1883-2009
            56 volumes BR 330/E5                                        136 volumes  BR330/A2

Biographies:  Lyndal Roper, Martin Luther: Renegade and Prophet  (2017) very readable
                      Heiko Oberman, Luther: Man between God and the Devil  (1982) theological focus
                      Roland Bainton, Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther   (1955, reprinted 1995)
                                  the standard earlier biography